Saturday, January 29, 2011

weekly analysis 4-1

The Blu-ray Disc
           My Popular culture topic for this week is one of the most popular trends going on right now involving the technology of Blu-ray. This new technology has spread like wild fire and has become very popular in a very short time. With the explosion of High definition television has come the explosion of Blu-ray discs onto the scene.
     This disc was originally made because it was able to rewrite, record, and replay high definition video. This disc is also able to store up to five times the amount of data than a normal DVD. This extra storage capacity along with the top of the line video and audio technologies available will allow for the utmost High-Definition experience.
     This new technology is becoming very popular already in companies as Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, and Sony just to name a few who have already dwelled into the flat screen and High-Definition televisions. Also many major movie studios like Disney, Fox, Warner, and Lionsgate have already made movies and released them in Blu-ray.
      This is the new technology that has come along most recently and it will indeed replace DVD’s just like VHS replaced BETA tapes and how DVD replaced VHS. With the rise of high definition technologies throughout the American households, we will all soon have Blu-ray players that will be compatible to Blu-ray as well as DVD. This is to follow suit on how many people have a VHS and DVD combo player. I thought I was equal to the technological curve, but yet once again I have fallen behind and must upgrade.
     So once again America open up those wallets and prepare to pay top dollar for a brand new and improved entertainment system.


Calonge, J. (2011). Blu-ray Disc. Retrieved January 24, 2011, from

1 comment:

  1. Gregory,

    I find this post to be very interesting. I remember four track audio players. They were quickly replaced with eight track. Most people do not remember four track, maybe because they looked very similar to eight track. If you want to see one, pick up the movie, Robinson Crusoe on Mars. There is a scene at the beginning of the movie where they use one. I like your final statement that it’s time for America to open their wallets again. Technology is improving so fast that it is becoming a battle to keep up. It was not all that long ago when we used the CD Rom to save our homework. With the advent of flash drives, who uses that now?

